Hey Newbies... this is the best way to be ignored. That is, if you haven't already posted some of the stupidest, elementary bullshit ever seen and weren't already ignored outright.
hamneggs wrote:
how are you all doing today you little scumbag retards?
I came to share some of my innermost evil soul with you
This was a typical invite from newb-loser to you other newb-losers, since after all you are the only competition for each other.
I noticed in another post hamneggs here was pining for Hellraisers attention, and didn't get it. That is because, simply, to be recognized by someone of that caliber, you must rise above the lowly tard newbie persona and lay it out like you are all grown up. However, I do understand your incapability of acheiving this. Not many of your kind can.
hamneggs stupid ass sig wrote:
Wow, that's great. And who did the voting? The children at the retard camp? Or were you just in a coma and dreamt it all?